IP4: Perio Open Mic



This Innovations in Periodontics format provides a platform to present a pivotal concept, perspective, or paradigm-shifting philosophy. The target presenter is a mid- to late-career periodontal clinician or scientist with a validated innovation to showcase. Unlike “Advances in Periodontics,” this forum provides the opportunity to present a philosophy, ideology, or thought, rather than a case presentation. Each speaker will give a 15-minute presentation on a specific topic, followed by a five-minute Q&A period. Speakers are selected by a blind review of abstracts submitted to the AAP.

Paul P. Chang – Topic: Management and Prevention of Peri-Implant Mucositis and Peri-Implantitis Around Single and Full Arch Implant Restorations. Classification and Treatment Strategies.

Charles A. Powell – Topic: ABPerio Minute: Innovating Continuing Certification.

Team: Christina Tietmann and Karin Jepsen – Topic: Perio-Ortho-Synergy: New Evidence-based Treatment Opportunities for Patients with Advanced Periodontitis in Need of Orthodontic Therapy.

Educational Objectives

  • Gain knowledge of a pivotal concept, perspective, or paradigm-shifting philosophy.
  • Explain a new philosophy, ideology, or thought which can enhance your practice, profession, or level of patient care.

CE Hours: 1.5

Charles A. Powell, DDS, MS: No financial relationships to disclose
Christina Tietmann, Dr. med. dent.: No financial relationships to disclose
Paul P. Chang, DDS MS: No relevant disclosure to display
Joseph Fiorellini, DMD, DMSc: No relevant disclosure to display
Karin Jepsen, DMD, PHD, Dr. med. dent.: No financial relationships to disclose