General Information
San Diego Convention Center
111 Harbor Dr
San Diego, CA 92101
(512) 404-4000
AAP Foundation Events –
Join the AAP Foundation for these fun, informative events throughout the Annual Meeting:
AAP Foundation Booth
Stop by the AAP Foundation booth in the San Diego Convention Center Lobby C to learn more about the Foundation’s work, bid on the silent auction, and celebrate 34 years of service to the specialty. Enter raffles, score fun giveaways, snap a selfie, and more!
AAP Foundation Silent Auction
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 3 p.m.– Sunday, Nov. 4, 2 p.m.
The AAP Foundation silent auction is online! Bid on a wide array of items from your smartphone or computer. You’ll even get text messages if you’ve been outbid! No need to download any apps with our easy-to-use process. Visit for more information or text AAPF24 to 76278 to browse and bid!
AAP Foundation Estate Planning Breakfast (Ticketed Event)
Saturday Nov. 2, 6:30–8 a.m.
Back by popular demand, a representative from T&H Financial Group and an estate planning attorney will share financial and legal principles of estate planning.
Thanks to Treloar & Heisel, Inc. for sponsoring this breakfast.
AAP Foundation Future Horizons in Periodontology
Saturday Nov. 2, 10:45 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
We are proud to again showcase the talent that AAP Foundation award recipients bring to the specialty through Future Horizons in Periodontology, a dynamic session focused on the latest science. This year’s theme is Advances in Personalized Periodontal Medicine. Moderators Roger Arce, DDS, MS, PhD, and Beatriz Bezerra, DDS, PhD, welcome Dr. Flora Momen-Heravi, who will address Immunotherapy Applications in Periodontal Medicine and Dr. Ahmed El-Awady, who will discuss Pharmacogenomics to Precision Prescriptions in Periodontal Patients. Join us to see the ROI on your gifts to the Foundation in action!
Contact Dana Camacho at [email protected] or 312-573-3257.
AAP Information
Call toll-free at 800-282-4867 (U.S. and Canada), +1-312-787-5518 (outside U.S. and Canada), or email [email protected].
Air Travel
Direct Travel, the Academy’s official travel management company, is available to assist with your air travel needs to attend the 2024 Annual Meeting. Call the Direct Travel Desk toll-free at 800-853-0972, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CDT, or email [email protected]. A service fee of US$25 for domestic, US$35 for international, applies for agent assistance.
Airport Transportation
San Diego International Airport
Taxi, Shuttle and Ride Appinformation, Public Transportation and Rental Car Information –
American Board of Periodontology Events
Contact Eileen Loranger at [email protected] or 312-682-0919.
Americans with Disabilities Act
The Academy recognizes the need to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please indicate any special requests you may have on the Housing and Registration Form or website and a Maritz Global Events staff member will contact you.
Attendance Requirement
As stated in Chapter 1, Section 6 of the Academy Bylaws, member attendance requirements must be met unless a petition for extension of your respective time period has been filed with the Board of Trustees. Contact AAP Member Services `at [email protected] to request a waiver.
AAP/AAP Foundation Awards – Coming soon!
Continuing Education Information
The American Academy of Periodontology is an ADA CERP® Recognized Provider.

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition at
The American Academy of Periodontology designates this activity for 32.00 continuing education (CE) credits. These CE credits will not automatically be submitted to any state board. It is your responsibility to submit earned contact hours to the appropriate regulatory agency. Courses, designated as CE activities, meet the Dental Board of California’s (DBC) requirements for CE. However, CE credits issued for participation in the CE activities may not apply towards license renewal in all jurisdictions. It is the responsibility of each participant to verify the CE requirements of his/her licensing regulatory agency. Attendees should retain a copy of this document for their records.
The educational methods to be used for this meeting include live lecture sessions involving case studies, innovations or advances in clinical concepts and techniques, or interactive, hands-on workshops.
The AAP cautions participants in CE courses about the potential risks of using limited knowledge when incorporating new techniques and procedures in their practice, especially when the course has not provided supervised clinical experience.
Dress Code and Temperature
Attendees are encouraged to wear business casual attire. In October and November high temperatures in San Diego average around 21°C/70°F, with lows around 12°C/55°F.
Emergency Assistance
To report an emergency outside of the convention venues, dial 911 from a mobile or landline.
Exhibit Hall
San Diego Convention Center – Exhibit Hall C & D
Friday, Nov. 1 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 2 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Visit the Housing page for more information.
Most programs and events, registration, and exhibits will be held at San Diego Convention Center or the Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina.
Click here to see a map of the area around the San Diego Convention Center, including our AAP hotels.
Media Credentials
Members of the media are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting to cover the wide array of periodontal health topics that will be presented. Media representatives must be currently employed by an established news outlet in an editorial capacity only and must provide identification before being issued a press pass. Valid forms of identification include a business card, letter of assignment on publication letterhead, or published samples of previous editorial/news work. Registration fees for members of the press will be waived, and credentialed media will be allowed to attend non-ticketed sessions and seminars, space permitting.
The Academy reserves the right to limit the number of press passes issued. For more information or to obtain an application for press credentials, contact [email protected].
Mobile App
The AAP’s 2024 Annual Meeting mobile app will be available prior to the meeting.
Sponsored by Specialty1 Partners
See the San Diego Convention Center website.
Visit the Registration page for more information on pricing, deadlines, how to register, and more!
Please note, children under 18 years of age are not permitted into the Exhibit Hall. This policy has been established for the safety of the children of members and other attendees. A registration badge is required for access to the Exhibit Hall.
Shuttle Service
Contracted AAP official hotels are within walking distance of the San Diego Convention Center. No shuttle service will be provided.
Visa Information
For U.S. visa information, visit or contact the National Visa Center (NVC) at 603-334-0700. If you require a visa, please reach out to Maritz Global Services for a letter confirming your registration, which you can take to your visa interview. To request a letter, contact Maritz Global Services at [email protected].
*All content is subject to change.