Latest Past Events

FCE10: Practice Transitions: Navigating Models for Buyer vs. Seller

Speakers Don C. Clem - Topic: Traditional Doctor-to-Doctor Models Jason C. Stoner - Topic: DSO Models  Gregory Toback - Topic: Doctor-Owned Group Models Moderator Gregory Toback Corse Description The dental industry has transformed as the baby boomer generation of periodontists has entered retirement. This in part, has driven new models that have emerged as transition options

IP3: Rising Stars

Speakers Saravanan Sampoornam Pape - Topic: Assessment of Oral Lesions for Potential Malignancy Using an Immunohistochemical and Histomorphometric Panel with CD-34, CD-105 and Vimentin. Kosuke Kashiwagi -Topic: The Use of Autogenous Tooth-derived Particles or Shell for Bone Augmentation Sherry Yang - Topic: Interdisciplinary Approach in Periodontics and Orthodontics: Innovative Use of Dental Autotransplantation with 3D